Persian Cats: Tips for Bringing a Persian Kitten Home
Probably the first thing you need to do is baby-proof your home. Persian kittens are just like having a new infant in the home. Try getting down on the floor, looking around in about every crook and corner your new Persian kitten could get into. Remove items that could cause harm. Things such as:
* Buttons
* Rubber bands
* Beads
* Electrical cords
Be sure household chemicals are in a secure place away from Persian kitten's little paws. Household plants can be toxic to Persian kittens. You will need to place all household plants in a location too high for him or her to reach. Secure all your fragile and treasured items in places where kitty cannot reach.
Once you are sure your home is prepared to welcome the new Persian kitten, make a check list of the supplies you will need. Some items you will need to start out with are:
* Cat carrier
* Litter box
* Kitten food
* Water and food bowls
* Kitten toys and treats
Try to plan on some days off when you first bring home a Persian kitten. Assure the time is free of stress as possible. Holidays are truly not a good time to welcome home a Persian kitten. Bring home the Persian kitten before holiday celebrations or after.
Choose an area to place the cat carrier before the Persian kitten arrives. A small room is usually a good idea. Set up the area with the water and food bowls, the litter box, and a comfortable area for sleeping with a few toys. Once inside the area with your new Persian kitten, open the carrier door and allow the kitten to come out when ready.
Don't worry about entertaining or playing with your new Persian kitten in these first few days of being home with you. Allow the new Persian kitten to adjust to the news surroundings at his or her own pace. Keep the new Persian kitten confined in the area you have set up. If you have other pets in the household, this time period will give them a chance to adjust to the new smell of Persian kitty.
Take plenty of time introducing the new Persian kitten to other household pets. The first introduction should be a short one, and most importantly, a positive one. Watch closely and take the Persian kitten back to its own area after a few minutes. Don't forget to give the most of your attention to existing household pets to avoid jealousies. Obviously, they may become stressed when a new Persian kitten arrives in their territory. Be sensitive to existing household pet's feelings during this adjustment time period. Animals will eventually work things out among themselves if given the time to do so. Do not feel rushed with these first introductions. Give each pet in your home a place to go for alone time.
About the Author Written by: Connie Limon. I raise the elegant green-eyed Persian cats from champion and grand champion bloodlines. Visit my website
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